
Search the way you think the name is written (Soundex)

  1. Unable to find family with ID F977Unable to find family with ID F973Alphonso Taft 1810-1891 (Age 81)
  2. Unable to find family with ID F972
  3. Unable to find family with ID F976Charles Phelps Taft 1897-
  4. Unable to find family with ID F977
  5. Charles Phelps Taft 1843-1923 (Age 80)
  6. Unable to find family with ID F973
  7. Unable to find family with ID F980Frances Louise Taft 1865-
  8. Unable to find family with ID F972
  9. Unable to find family with ID F975Helen Herron Taft 1891-
  10. Unable to find family with ID F973
  11. Unable to find family with ID F978Henry Waters Taft 1859-
  12. Unable to find family with ID F973
  13. Unable to find family with ID F979Horace Dutton Taft 1861-1943 (Age 82)
  14. Unable to find family with ID F977
  15. Peter Rawson Taft 1845-1889 (Age 44)
  16. Unable to find family with ID F972
  17. Unable to find family with ID F974Robert Alphonso Taft 1889-1953 (Age 63)
  18. Unable to find family with ID F973
  19. Samuel Davenport Taft 1855-1855 (Age 0 days)
  20. Unable to find family with ID F973
  21. Unable to find family with ID F972William Howard Taft 1857-1930 (Age 72)