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    Unable to find family with ID F918
  1. ‎(unknown)‎ ‎(unnamed son)‎ Jefferson 1777-1777 (Age 17 days)
  2. Unable to find family with ID F919
  3. ‎(unknown)‎ ‎(unnamed Son)‎ Jefferson 1750-1750 (Age 0 days)
  4. Unable to find family with ID F919
  5. Unable to find family with ID F926Anna Scott Jefferson 1755-1828 (Age 73)
  6. Unable to find family with ID F919
  7. Elizabeth Jefferson 1744-1773 (Age 29)
  8. Unable to find family with ID F919
  9. Jane Jefferson 1740-1765 (Age 25)
  10. Unable to find family with ID F918
  11. Jane Randolph Jefferson 1774-1775 (Age 16 months)
  12. Unable to find family with ID F919
  13. Unable to find family with ID F925Lucy Jefferson 1752-
  14. Unable to find family with ID F918
  15. Lucy Elizabeth Jefferson 1780-1804 (Age 23)
  16. Unable to find family with ID F918
  17. Lucy Elizabeth Jefferson 1782-1784
  18. Unable to find family with ID F919
  19. Unable to find family with ID F924Martha Jefferson 1746-1811 (Age 65)
  20. Unable to find family with ID F918
  21. Unable to find family with ID F920Martha ‎(Patsy)‎ Jefferson 1772-1836 (Age 64)
  22. Unable to find family with ID F919
  23. Unable to find family with ID F923Mary Jefferson 1741-1817 (Age 76)
  24. Unable to find family with ID F918
  25. Unable to find family with ID F921Mary ‎(Maria)‎ Jefferson 1778-1871 (Age 92)
  26. Unable to find family with ID F922
  27. Unable to find family with ID F919Peter Jefferson 1708-1757 (Age 49)
  28. Unable to find family with ID F919
  29. Peter Field Jefferson 1748-1748 (Age 0 days)
  30. Unable to find family with ID F919
  31. Unable to find family with ID F927Unable to find family with ID F928Randolph Jefferson 1755-1815 (Age 60)
  32. Unable to find family with ID F922Thomas Jefferson 1679/80-1731
  33. Unable to find family with ID F919
  34. Unable to find family with ID F918Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826 (Age 83)

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