Compact Chart:
Sarah Herrick

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John Washburn
Compact Chart: I955
Daniel Herrick
Samuel Kingsley
Compact Chart: I957 Samuel Kingsley
1693-1730 ‎(37)‎
Compact Chart: I956 Mary Washburn
Compact Chart: I403Compact Chart: I400Compact Chart: I954
Elizabeth Mitchell
Samuel Herrick
1732-1797 ‎(64)‎
Compact Chart: I405 Sarah Herrick
1764-1823 ‎(58)‎
Compact Chart: I402
Silence Kingsley
 Compact Chart: I404Compact Chart: I401
Elizabeth Rust
1712/13-1740/41 ‎(28)‎
Mary ‎(unknown)‎

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