Compact Chart:
John Augustine Washington

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Unable to find family with ID F9
Lawrence Washington
1601/02-1652/53 ‎(51)‎
Nathaniel Pope
Compact Chart: I15Compact Chart: I17
John Washington
1633/34-1676/77 ‎(43)‎
Compact Chart: I9 Lawrence Washington
1659-1697/98 ‎(38)‎
Compact Chart: I10 Anne Pope
Joseph Ball
1649-1711 ‎(62)‎
Compact Chart: I16Compact Chart: I5Compact Chart: I18Compact Chart: I7
Amphyllis Twigden
1601/02-1654/55 ‎(52)‎
Lucy ‎(unknown)‎
Augustine Washington
1693/94-1743 ‎(49)‎
Compact Chart: I3 John Augustine Washington
1735/36-1787 ‎(50)‎
Compact Chart: I4
Mary Ball
1708/09-1789 ‎(80)‎
 Compact Chart: I6Compact Chart: I8
Augustine Warner
1611-1674 ‎(63)‎
George Reade
1608-1674 ‎(65)‎
Compact Chart: I19Compact Chart: I21
Augustine Warner
1642-1681 ‎(39)‎
Compact Chart: I11 Mildred Warner
1670/71-1701 ‎(30)‎
Compact Chart: I12 Mildred Reade
Mary Bennett
Compact Chart: I20Compact Chart: I22
Mary Towneley
1614-1662 ‎(48)‎
Elizabeth Martiau

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